Sunday 1 September 2013

Elise - rude selfish girl

Hey guys, jess here :p
Me and my sis Sahra are starting High school!
Sahra is my best friend and twin in real life and on moviestarplanet, we do everything together!
Our youtube channel is jessica MSP map are our SMP is Sahra's initials but we just decided to use MSP instead ;)

Moving onto the subject, Ellise is her name if it is i dont acually care to be honest. She is a selfish horrible girl
On Facebook...
So i blocked lydia and ellise on skype because they are strangers, I have not met them before
Lydia added me so I accepted. But after 5 min i declined. This is because my mum does not like her or ellise as they bullied me previously on skype.

Ellise and Lydia please give me a break I don't want to talk to you. Or here from you.

Toodles B)


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